Sunday, January 27, 2013

Great Wattpad Story!

If your looking for a website to read and find the best stories try looking on this site WATTPAD

I'm making a list of my favorite book i read in there and this is it:

1. Demonic Spell by Ivory05

The day that Elisha learned that she still have a blood relative looking for her is the day she buried her adoptive family.
The mystery of her adoptive family's death and the dissapearence of her birth parents haunted her.
Left alone  to protect the legacy she inherited from her enigmatic blood relative, Elisha's once quiet life turns into a total whirlwind. Add a deadly threat that shadows her every move, she knew her life will never be the same again. Add a dash of a demon and his bevy  of followers into the mix and you will have a complete recipe for a Demonic spell...

here's the link of the story!
Demonic Spell

*NOTE: the stories in here are the ones that I'm reading or done reading and proved that its good*

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